2022 Greater Long Beach Alumnae Panhellenic
Scholarship and Legacy of Philanthropy Award Winners
Andrea Boyn, Alpha Phi
California State University, Long Beach
Andrea is a junior at CSULB, majoring in finance and minoring in dance. She is the VP of Finance for the Alpha Phi chapter at CSULB.
Neriah Cervantes, Delta Gamma
California State University, Long Beach
Neriah Cervantes, Delta Gamma at CSULB is a sophomore who is pre-majoring in nursing. She volunteers with the Kiwanis Club, Lions Club, Relay for Life, Ronald McDonald’s House and the City of Bellflower.
Jessie Louie, Zeta Tau Alpha
California State University, Long Beach
Jessie Louie is a Zeta Tau Alpha and ZTA Service Chair at CSULB. She is a psychology major and criminal justice minor, who plans to become a MFT.
Madelynn Perez, Zeta Tau Alpha
California State University, Long Beach
Madelynn Perez, a Zeta Tau Alpha at CSULB, is a junior majoring in liberal studies and planning to become a fourth grade teacher. She is currently Zeta Tau Alpha’s President on campus.
Emily Santo, Kappa Delta
University of California, Los Angeles
Emily Santo, Kappa Delta, is a sophomore at UCLA. She is a psychology major and accounting minor, who is planning to become a CPA. She volunteers with Meals on Wheels, National Charity League, Interfaith Food Center, Salvation Army, and the Whittier Museum and Historical Society.
Daria Vazirizard, Delta Gamma
California State University, Long Beach
Daria Vazirizard, Delta Gamma, is a junior at CSLUB. She is a communications major who is interested in going to law school to become an attorney. Currently she serves as Panhellenic Vice President.